
The purpose of this study is to establish a digital archive of the living world using ethnography of multicultural members and to publish a series of social integration for a multicultural society. The basics of the DB were collected through in-depth interviews from September 2017 to October 2020. The digital archive of the living world, which is the research result derived for each year, is organized by country, type, and area as follows. The method of assigning the file name of the survey data is indicated according to the classification code as 'nationality-specific number_migration type classification code_area classification code_investigation year/month-date_English initial(research participant)_serial number'. The DB constructed in this way understands the fundamental lives and pains of multicultural members, including marriage immigrants, who are alienated from various social systems from the mainstream society, and for a sustainable society in which they can coexist as members of Korean society. By establishing a new paradigm, it will be the basis for the practice of social integration. In addition, this DB can be implemented in the form of three-dimensional data on a more vivid living world for the construction of a digital archive of the living world using ethography and a series of social integration.

Expect Effect / Research Utilization

First, this study can present academic expectations that can provide a new paradigm for research for social integration in a multicultural society. It captures the trends of social integration policies in each country that have been scattered so far, and not only enhances the accessibility of researchers to social integration policies at home and abroad, but also accurately grasps the actual needs of multicultural members in the field. By spreading discourse on the issues of multicultural members living in Korean society and reproducing related issues, this research will broaden the horizon for utilizing academic results. Second, ethnography technically interprets the learned cultural patterns such as values, behaviors, beliefs, and languages ​​of the cultural sharing group to which they belong for cultural coexistence and social integration with multicultural members, and their country-specific and socio-cultural characteristics. Using this method, more diverse contents can be extracted through actual field surveys by country, type, and area. Therefore, it is a suitable method for presenting the direction of social integration policy aimed at in this study. Third, the research results obtained based on the experiences of multicultural members will be usefully utilized in the development of human rights laws and policies, language education programs, health and medical care, welfare and counseling services. In addition, since the research results contain the unique culture and awareness system of each country, it will be the basis for understanding their cultural diversity. In other words, this study is a practical data that presents directions in various areas that provide new policies or services for social and cultural coexistence throughout Korean society, such as society, culture, politics, women, welfare, and education, and can be widely used. Fourth, the digital archives of the living world of multicultural members and social integration books provide basic data on what kind of thinking, how multicultural members behave, and what living world they have. In addition, these data will be used to revitalize exchanges between domestic and foreign researchers and field experts including multicultural members, provide welfare and services through close cooperation with public institutions in the region, and establish governance for social integration, such as policy establishment. Fifth, since the data collected in this study were described in terms of their lives, they can easily understand the cultures of various countries. In addition, since actual situations that can only be obtained from field studies are recorded, they can be used as educational materials for educational institutions and public institutions. In addition, by analyzing the problems of social integration studied so far, it will be a major educational material that can open new horizons for social integration discussions and multicultural members by emphasizing the necessity of education for sustainable development. Lastly, the results of this study can be used as teaching materials related to interdisciplinary convergence courses or migration and multicultural education at each university. The social integration series, which contains the living worlds of multicultural members, can be a very suitable textbook for intercultural education because it contains the national identity of each country while dealing with the universal sentiment of mankind. Through cultural education and social integration education using this research data, migrants can grow as members of Korean society with subjectivity and initiative. Settlers can develop a mature civic consciousness that understands the difference between migrants and naturally accepts them as equal members of Korean society. In addition, its value will be expressed in various fields such as multicultural education textbooks for elementary, middle and high school teachers, multicultural education teacher training textbooks, and development of multicultural textbooks. As such, the results of this study will be used as educational materials in various educational fields.

Project Name : Basic Research Support for Foundational Human/Social Science Researches
Research Title : Establishment of digital archives using ethnography of members of multicultural families in the global era, and study on social Integration for sustainable multicultural society [ KRM Task Information ]
Chief of Research : Kim Young-soon
Research Institution : INHA UNIVERSITY
Research Period : 3 Years 2 Month (SEPTEMBER 01, 2017 - OCTOBER 31, 2020)