Introduction |
This project entitled as "A Compendium of Korean Film History" is sponsored by Korea Research Foundation.
This project has tried not only to piece together preceding researches on Korean film history which have been studied mainly as a national cinema, but also to view Korean cinema from transnational contexts. Especially, this project has searchedscattered pieces of Korean cinema to reconstitute the boundaries of Korean film history and recover these connections and compose them as a genealogical history of fragments, marked by disjuncture. Furthermore, from the perspective of trans-media, this reseach projext has also focused on how the other media platforms such as Radio, Television and New Media technologies have influenced the shaping of Korean cinema.
One of the key achievements of this project is unearthing and restoration of the lostfilm Sorrow Even Up in Heaven(저 하늘에도 슬픔이, Sooyoug Kim, 1965) from the Natioanl Film Archive of Taiwan. The discovery of the film sheds light on not only the study of the Korea-Asia screen connections, but also the developments of Korean film history.
In addition, this research has paid attention to the vigorous interchanges between East Asian intellectuals including Iwasaki Akira, Lu Xun, Kwangje Seo, and Korean filmmakers in Shanghai during late 1920s to 1930s. The resulf of research is an edited translation of Iwasaki Akira's 1931 book Film and Capitalism which Kwangje Seo reviewed in the newspaper Dong-A Ilbo in Josun in 1932 and Lu Xun translated its introductory chapter into Chinese. Rather than insisting on Chosun's own screen culture, this research has sought to explore what implications the exchange and influence between intellectuals of East Asia convey, especially by re-examining the terms and conditions from which we can theorise the interconnections.
In this transnational framework, the object of this research is not limited to China and Japan. The project has tried to open up more neglected seams : Korean cinemas, their various Chinese and Japanese connections, and beyond along the socialist and post-socialist route into the former Soviet Union and the new states that have been born from it. Toward these ends the researchers searched for activities of not only Korean-Chinese filmmakers but also Soviet-Korean filmmakers such as Lavrenti Song, a director of Kazakhstan. As a resulf of which, a retrospective screenings of Lavrenti Song was hold in 2015 in Korean Film Archive.
The results of this research would form the basis of a publication, either as a special journal issue, or as an edited book collection. More importantly, it will be the first step to create a significant dialogue in developing Korean film studies.
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[KRM Task Information
Chief of Research : Kim,Soyoung
Research Institution : Korea National University of Arts
Research Period : 3 Years(September 1, 2012 – August 31, 2015)