 This research project, entitled “Civic Education in Korean Universities: a Series,” has the purposes of informing the necessity and direction for civic education in Korea, and producing seven volumes concerning it, available to those who participate of civic activities. For this purpose it collects and analyses the history and the present situation of civic education, the educational programs of higher education, and their teaching methods, from major nations around the world. With this data collection and analysis, it puts together and synthesizes the experiential cases and achievements that Kyunghee University has long earned from civic participation and education. Thus, this research intends to produce a useful product to help, in a palpable manner, lecturers or policy makers, who are involved in civic education in universities and civil institutions. These are the titles of the seven volumes: Who Is a Citizen?, Civic Education and University, Life World and Citizen: Citizenship, Global Village and Cosmopolitan Citizen: Cosmopolitan Citizenship, The Modernity of East Asia and the Future of Citizenship, A Manual of Civic Education for the Korean Universities: Method and Reality, A Study of Citizenship and Civic Education. Overall, this research contributes to activating or growing up civic education in the Korean universities.
Project Name : Civic Education in Korean Universities : A Series
Research Title : Civic Education in Korean Universities : A Series [KRM Task Information ]
Chief of Research : Lee, Dong Soo
Research Institution : KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY
Research Period : 3 Years (November 1, 2011 – October 31, 2014)