 The primary objective of Foundational Research NRF-2011-322-A00043 [“An Analytical Compilation of the Manusmrti and Its Commentaries”] was to publish a complete Korean translation of the slokas of the Manusmriti, as well as a comparative study of the various commentaries of the text.
The Manusmriti, one of the most prominent sacred texts of ancient India, consists of 2,684 slokas written in Sanskrit. this study abides by the traditional division, in which the Manusmriti is divided into twelve chapters.
In order to enhance the readability of the text, we propose that each chapter be published as a separate volume, with one additional volume including references as well as indexes for terms and concepts, related texts, and padas. Thus we expect the final publication to consist of a minimum of 13 volumes.
Project Name : An Analytical Compilation of the Manusmrti and Its Commentaries
Research Title : An Analytical Compilation of the Manusmrti and Its Commentaries [KRM Task Information ]
Chief of Research : Lim, Geundong
Research Period : 3 Years (November 1, 2011 – October 31, 2014)